
Showing posts from February, 2011

Lessons Learned From My Dog

It is my belief that God wants to teach us spiritual lessons through the everyday occurrences in our life.  That has been the underlying premise of this blog from its beginning. I believe God can use all kinds of events, whether it is seeing a faded flower in a Volkswagen, a ride on an amusement park attraction or a broken birthday pinata, to  drive home spiritual lessons. If He can use all those things then He certainly has no difficulty letting me get a glimpse at the depth of my obstinence through the life of my Westie, Chloe. This bred of dog is known for their energy and excitement.  Because they are easily distracted by changes in  their environment, it is recommended that when they are outside a fenced  area that  a leash be used to prevent them from running after the neighbor's cat or an unsuspecting bird.  Over the past 12 years Chloe has mastered many of your typical dog tricks, but still struggles when it comes to taking a walk with her leash. Dog trainers will tell

Fake Fingernails and Renewed Commitments

On the drive to work I couldn't help but admire how pretty my new Kiss press on nails looked on my hand.  As you know if you have read my blogs before I REALLY like beauty products, whether it is face creams, makeup, press on nails or even  the occasional set of false eyelashes-I have tried them all!  This particular day I was sporting my new set of nails which had applied the night before.  Arriving at the office I began my usual morning ritual to prepare for the day's patients.  Then it was off to the break room  with my glass to get my morning soft drink 'fix'.  While I was in there I saw a cake someone had brought I decided to just break off a piece and eat it right there.  Sitting down at my desk, I began to type on my keyboard and then realized one of my press on nails had POPPED OFF!!!!!  It had to have been lost sometime between the time that I arrived at the office and sat down at my desk.  After searching my department with no success-it hit me...did I loo

Romantic-hmmm-Not So Much

On the day of our  first date, Marshall had three red roses delivered to the office with the words "Can't wait to see you tonight!" inscribed on the card.  That evening when he picked me up I told him how special it was to receive the flowers.  That is when my future husband uttered the words most any girl would want to hear, "I just LOVE sending flowers."  Never have five words less true   been spoken-or at least that is how it seems when years pass and no flowers ever arrive until your 15th wedding anniversary-unless you count the Valentine's Day  that two of his friends convinced him that the perfect gift for me was a potted pink azalea.  That evening I arrived home to find the azalea in its tiny pot with confetti sprinkled on the top.  A card that was almost as large as the pitiful azalea was inserted in a plastic holder. All I could manage to get out of my mouth was, "Awww, how nice!" Unfortunately, it  come out sounding neither grateful nor

Beautiful Feet

Sitting there with my feet in the basin full of water at the spa party, I suddenly felt years of embarrassment and insecurity begin to slip away and  a certain mischievousness take it's place.  As a preschooler I thought everyone had a foot like mine, but I soon learned that was not the case.   The deformity of my right foot had certainly caused me some insecurity over the years as children teased and laughed at my unusually small and misshapen foot with its four small round toes. In my teens I was feeling a little better about the situation and purchased my first pair of heels only to have the boy I had a huge crush on make a comment about how "gross" my foot looked in the shoe.  Eventually, I got past my embarrassment, but certainly did everything I could to not bring attention to my foot.  After all, in the whole scope of things this was really nothing.  Plenty of people had a problems-REAL problems that were ALOT bigger than this. One day my co-worker, Patricia, inv