
Showing posts from August, 2011

You Reap What You Sow!

Looking out the window I saw my husband in the back yard.   Unable to believe my eyes I threw the door open, rushed outside and stood on the patio arms extended to the side in absolute dismay.   Weeks earlier I had decided that I was going to pursue a craft project that involved gourds, but there were none to be found.  A couple of seed packets were purchased and the seeds planted in the back corner of our flower bed next to the fence.  Some time later the vines had covered not only a fair amount of the ground but a portion of the fence, as well.  I was eagerly anticipating the arrival of the blooms which would yield a vast number of gourds. At that moment I stood looking at my husband with his arms full of my vines.  I threw my arms in the air and said, "What is the world are you doing?"  Grasping the torn, cut and uprooted vines, he said with pride, "This kudzu is taking over the flower bed and the fence, but I took care of it!  We won't be having that problem now