
Showing posts from 2024

Christ In You

"To them God chose to make known how great among the Gentiles are the riches of the glory of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory."  Col 1:27 I want you to know that you are being prayed for as you engage in this study of Colossians.  I hope that as  we go over these passages in detail that you begin to learn how to better study your Bible through careful observation, using scripture to help interpret scripture and spending time in prayer.  Ask the Holy Spirit to help you understand what you are reading. We need His help in understanding what was being said to the people of that day but also how we can apply what we have learned to our life. If we walk away from this study and understand what was being said to the church at Colossae, but not what God wants to say to us, then we have failed.  We will have developed an intellectual knowledge, but not  experienced transformation.  In  Colossians 1:27 God chose to reveal the great riches of His glory, not for i

The One and Only

 " The Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us.  We have seen His glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth."   John 1:14 As I begin this post, I am completely overwhelmed with the love of God.  The great love that sent His one and only Son into the world to pay a ransom for those who were captive to sin, without hope, without God.  (Eph 12:2) .  I never want to take for granted the price that He paid.  I never want to take for granted the supremacy and sufficiency of Christ.   For all the good things that Paul thanked God for in the church at Colossae, there was a false teaching that had infiltrated the congregation.   This teaching propagated the idea of "Christ and" something else. Instead of emphasizing the sufficiency of "Christ alone" for salvation and spiritual growth, this false teaching suggested that additional elements or practices were necessary for true enlightenment or spiritual com

Time to Grow Up

If you were to walk into your church on Sunday morning, and the person welcoming, you said, please come in and have a seat. You notice 3 chairs of which to choose.  Which chair would you select? As an adult, it would look somewhat absurd for you to have a seat in the toddler chair, and the youth chair may not seem appropriate either.  You would naturally choose the larger "adult" chair.  Now, what if you were to walk into church, but this time you are directed to  take a seat in the chair which best describes your spiritual maturity? The appropriate choice for a new believer, regardless of their physical age, would be the toddler chair. Nothing wrong with a toddler in Christ to be in that chair. The appropriate choice for someone who has been a believer for many many years should be the adult chair-right?   I’m afraid, however, that’s often not the case. For many of us, although we have been Christians for quite a number of years, the chair which would most accurately accomm


 It is so exciting to begin this study with you!  So by now you have read the book of Colossians in its entirety twice and aided by the Holy Spirit and  your trusty colored pencils began, the process of observing the text. The observation that you did will propel you into today's lesson and help you obtain even greater understanding of the passage and how God desires it be applied to your life.  So did you take me up on the challenge and start you day off spending time with God?  The psalmist spoke about spending time with God in Psalm 5:3 "In the morning, Lord, you hear my voice;   in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly." There is something sweet about coming to Him in the morning-giving Him the first fruit of my day.  It begins to change us and transforms our minds and hearts as we come to Him as our source of truth.  Unfortunately, when I go to the internet, news, or social media-I often am uncertain what is true and what is a lie.  So why go


 Come explore the book of Colossians with me!  In this study of the book, some have called the most important letter written by Paul, you will be an active participant.  Assignments and study questions will be provided and are designed to help you be a careful observer of the text, understand the original message to the church at Colossae and see the application to you as a follower of Christ today. Here is what you will need: Bible (I will be using the CSB and NIV.  Either of these, ESV, NKJV or KJV will help you follow along  best with the lesson.  Other interpretative versions my be used to gain understanding but should be used much like the a commentary.) Notebook  Colored pencils and a few colored pens Bible dictionary Commentary (Aside from getting a bit of history as to what was going on in the church at Colossae in the beginning, you will not use the commentary until you first have done a significant amount of observation.  So if you don't have one right now, don't let