Time to Grow Up

If you were to walk into your church on Sunday morning, and the person welcoming, you said, please come in and have a seat. You notice 3 chairs of which to choose. Which chair would you select? As an adult, it would look somewhat absurd for you to have a seat in the toddler chair, and the youth chair may not seem appropriate either. You would naturally choose the larger "adult" chair. Now, what if you were to walk into church, but this time you are directed to take a seat in the chair which best describes your spiritual maturity? The appropriate choice for a new believer, regardless of their physical age, would be the toddler chair. Nothing wrong with a toddler in Christ to be in that chair. The appropriate choice for someone who has been a believer for many many years should be the adult chair-right? I’m afraid, however, that’s often not the case. For many of us, although we have been Christians for quite a number of years, the chair which would most acc...