
Showing posts from July, 2011

Get a Life....Get a Love Life!!!

If you have bothered to watch any television in the last six months you are aware of the incredible popularity of "Reality TV."  Each week you can watch the whirl wind romance of your favorite "Bachelor" or "Bachlorette," see decorators compete to be the next "Design Star," or sit in dismay as contestants try to exist with only the clothes on their back to outwit and outlast others  to become the last sole "Survivor." Perhaps you are more of the game show person and enjoy seeing people suffer hits, spills and falls as they "Wipeout" their competitors.  Reality television has captured the interest of so many but, it seems that those who do not enjoy it are often adamant regarding the unrealistic nature of such shows.  Recently, my husband and I were watching television together when an advertisement aired for a reality program.  In this particular show individuals  were paired for  adventures with members of the opposite sex