
Showing posts from 2018

Instructions Needed

Very early on in my relationship I learned a great deal about my husband and his ability to follow instructions.  After dating only several months I had purchased a gas grill and my husband (my then boyfriend) agreed to assembly it.  He and his friend brought the box into my tiny apartment and began the task.  There were screws, nuts, bolts, pieces of metal and tools spread all across my floor as they began to work diligently. Upon closer inspection, I realized one thing that I didn't see in their midst was the instruction sheet. Instead it lay crumpled and discarded in the corner as they proceeded to go about the task at hand.  After asking about the instructions, I was told that they didn't need them.  They had it under control. Upon completion the grill looked great!!  Just like the picture on the box.  I was thrilled until I saw a handful of  nuts and bolts that had been shoved under the cardboard box.  It was obvious that in their construction they had not been able to d