Instructions Needed

Very early on in my relationship I learned a great deal about my husband and his ability to follow instructions.  After dating only several months I had purchased a gas grill and my husband (my then boyfriend) agreed to assembly it.  He and his friend brought the box into my tiny apartment and began the task.  There were screws, nuts, bolts, pieces of metal and tools spread all across my floor as they began to work diligently. Upon closer inspection, I realized one thing that I didn't see in their midst was the instruction sheet. Instead it lay crumpled and discarded in the corner as they proceeded to go about the task at hand.  After asking about the instructions, I was told that they didn't need them.  They had it under control.

Upon completion the grill looked great!!  Just like the picture on the box.  I was thrilled until I saw a handful of  nuts and bolts that had been shoved under the cardboard box.  It was obvious that in their construction they had not been able to determine where all of these parts should have gone and instead of consulting the instructions they decided these components were in fact not necessary and planned to stash them away in hopes that I would not realize it. 

They indicated that they were confident that the grill would serve it's intended purpose with no anticipated problems.  They were correct that the grill would work fine, however soon it became  a bit unsteady-to say the least!  Eventually, other problems developed - problems with the igniter and burner.

Sometimes we approach life  a lot like my husband and his friend approached the assembly of the grill- too proud to consult the instructions and insistent on doing it our way.  Our failure to follow instruction may result in an instability in our life or harm to us physically, emotionally or spiritually. Instructions are important.   If you don't follow the instructions for taking a particular medication you may experience poisoning, overdosing or a drug interaction. Not following the instructions for completing your tax forms could cost you money.  Failure to follow navigational directions may result in you ending up in a scary part of town. However, when we choose to follow instructions things work out much better or us.  Many of us are happy following instructions when it benefits us or to helps us get out of a mess.

I don't know about you but life is hard to maneuver and I need help.  God has given us instructions on how to live a life beyond amazing!  One that experiences peace in the midst of confusion and joy in the midst of difficulty.  Instruction on how to truly live a life of love and service toward others.   He has given us instruction on all this and more in His Word.

"All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.' 2Timothy  3:16-17

This means that scripture although penned by man is inspired by God and teaches us what is true and helps us  realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right.

God instructs us that the only way that we can have the life beyond amazing is through a relationship with His Son, Jesus Christ.  Contrary to culture God's Word tells us that we don't get the amazing life by accumulating wealth, our social status, position, popularity or life experiences.  That amazing life is found in the Son of God who came, lived a sinless life and died on the cross for our sin and rose from the dead.  Jesus said,

I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.
John 10:10

The Bible not only  tells us how we can have that relationship but how we can cultivate that relationship, grow in obedience, find grace and strength for the struggles that we will inevitably face and find healing for the wounds in our lives.

I have seen the transforming work of God through His Word in my life.  I have been brought into relationship with Him through Jesus Christ.  I have seen Him change my desires and exchange His strength for my weakness as I faced struggles.  I have experienced the TRUTH of His Word and I want to continue to spend time in it, grow in knowledge and it to be evident in every aspect of my life!

We need these instructions for life.  If we fail to use the instructions, like my husband did for the grill, our lives may look fine on the outside, but we will not have the internal stability that only God's Word-His instruction book provides.  


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