Fake Horses and Real Lives

When I was 5 years old, my grandfather purchased a pony for me.  Initially, I was so excited about my new pony, Flicka, but somewhat afraid of her too.

  In an attempt to help me  feel comfortable in the saddle my Daddy designed  a fake horse out of saw horses and a barrel and  placed the saddle atop the barrel.  When I got on that fake horse and settled into the saddle, I felt like a real cowgirl!  Unfortunately, I was NOT a real cowgirl.  I never really warmed up to my pony and rode her very infrequently.  It was always more comfortable for me to be on the fake horse  than the one that was real. 

How often are we more comfortable with the fake than the real?  What about in our own lives?  Is it easier for us to be fake or be real?  As Christians we sometimes don't want to be real-we want people to think that we have it together, that we are "super spiritual", that our lives are going perfectly when in actuality we don't have it together at all.  Just as it was safer for me to be on the horse that was not real, we often feel safer when we aren't real with others.  We are afraid to put ourselves in a place to feel vulnerable and possibly hurt or  rejected by others.

We don't want others to know that we are having trouble in our marriage, that we are struggling in our finances, that we have a wayward child,  that we are dealing with lust, bitterness, unforgiveness and resentment.  In our own small group of "perfect" people we list prayer requests almost always for friends or acquaintances with problems, but how often do we ever say, "Pray for me, I am so bitter that my marriage, family and job are all suffering.  I am desperate for God to help me. "  Are we ever brave enough to say, "I am struggling with an addiction to prescription pain medicines.  Pray for me?"    Or perhaps, " I have an issue with pornography,"   or "I am struggling with a critical spirit."  You know exactly what I mean.

Scripture encourages us to be real with one another,
"Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed.   The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective."  James 5:16
This scripture emphasizes here the reason for such a confession and that is for the purpose of prayer.  Believers should feel comfortable sharing with other Christians their struggles because we should have the certainty  they will pray for us, unfortunately that is not always the case.  There are always those in the body who will repeat, distort or misuse what is shared  or belittle those who have made themselves vulnerable. Shame, shame on us!!!! 

What an opportunity God has allowed us to have in the lives of other believers when we are real.  In each of our lives God has delivered us from various areas of sin, struggles or seemingly hopeless situations.  He has done so that we may help others and bear testimony of God's power and His amazing work in our lives. 
" They overcame him (Satan) by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony." Rev.12:11a
The enemy, Satan, wants nothing more than us to feel  ashamed, defeated and isolated.  When we are real and share our experiences others are encouraged and strengthened by how God works and the enemy's plans are derailed.   Have you seen God deliver you from difficulty in your marriage, infertility, infidelity, addictions, divorce, bitterness, unforgiveness, sadness of a wayward child,  struggle with pornography, financial problems, loss of a job, victimization, etc.?

 Someone today may need to know or be reminded that there is victory in Christ.  They may need to know that Christ not only redeems us but He can redeem any and every part of your life.  Your story of how God took your situation and worked His redemptive plan  may be exactly what God wants  them to hear.  Church, let's stop pretending.  It's time to be real!!


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