A Strange Sewing Project

As much as I long to be a domestic goddess, it has always somehow alluded me.  Most of my culinary attempts have been a fiasco, cleaning the house is a chore that I seldom look forward to and I have scorched my fair share of clothes while ironing.  The beginning of my  junior year  in high school I had huge expectations for the year ahead.  My home economics class was not only going to teach me how to cook, but also how to sew.  Excitement welled up in me as I looked for the perfect pattern for my sewing project.  Having always been fan of fashion I felt this was going to open up a door for me.  I would soon be able to sew all my clothes and not only be stylish but have the satisfaction that I made them myself!!!

I didn't want to do JUST a skirt. No, I added a vest to the project as well.  Probably should have stopped at the skirt.  The fabric I chose for the outfit was one of the most difficult for a first time seamstress to sew-corduroy.  After finally getting the pattern cut with the line in the fabric, I began the process of assembling the garment.  The results were disastrous. The seams on the vest were all askew. and the  A-line skirt stood away from my body in a very unnatural way. Not to mention that my attempts in lining the garments resulted in what appeared to be wads of fabric beneath the surface.  Gone were the days of thinking that I could ever sew all my own clothes. 

Scripture tells about  Gideon, who constructed a garment that resulted in disaster too, but not in quite the same way as my sewing project.

After Joshua and  all the generation that went into the Promised Land died, the Bible tells us "another generation arose that didn't know the Lord or what He had done for Israel. Then the Israelites did evil in the eyes of the Lord and served the Baals.  They forsook the Lord, the God of their fathers, who had brought them out of Egypt." (Judges 2:10-12)  Because of their disobedience and absolute disregard for Him, God allowed an enemy nation to oppress them.  After a time the people would cry out to God and He would raise up a judge to deliver the people.  Unfortunately the people  would  too quickly forget how God rescued them and turn again away  from Him and worship idols.  This rebellious cycle repeats itself 14 times in the book of Judges and 1 Samuel.

Now that we understand where we are historically,  lets move on and find out about the garment Gideon made and the problem with it. Gideon was the fifth of the judges.  God raised up  this young man, from the tribe of Manasseh, during a period of terrible oppression by the Midionites.  The Midionites had so oppressed the Israelites that many of them had fled to  mountain clefts and strongholds.  Their land was invaded and their crops and livestock ravaged by these Midionites.  All seemed hopeless, but their faithful God had not forgotten them.  In Judges 6-8 you can read about Gideons calling and how God brought about the defeat of the Midionites through him.

The Israelites were absolutely ecstatic over the victory and demanded Gideon rule over them.  Gideon however said,
"I will not rule over you , nor will my sons rule over you.  The Lord will rule over you."  Judges 5:23 
At this point we are thinking, "Way to go, Gideon!!" Better hold off on the cheering for now.  Gideon then made one request of the Israelites.
"...that each of you give me an earring from your share of the plunder."  Judges 8:24
In compliance to Gideon's request the Israelites gave about 50 pounds of gold from the items they had taken from the defeated Midionites.  Why in the world did Gideon want the gold?  For his sewing project!
"Gideon made the gold into an ephod, which he placed in Ophrah, his town."  Judges 8:27
If you recall, an ephod is first described by God to Moses in Exodus.  The ephod, part of the priestly garment, was commanded to be  constructed of linen and woven with gold, blue, purple and scarlet yarn.  It somewhat resembled an apron.  The  breastplate which was adorned with 12 stones, to represent the 12 tribes, was attached to the front of the epod by golden chains.

In this passage Gideon has constructed the ephod of pure gold and placed it in his home town.  Scripture gives no indication as to why he decided to construct the golden ephod. God did not command that he do this.  It seems it was all Gideons idea.   Commentaries suggest the ephod was to be a reminder to  the Israelites of the victory that had been given to them over their enemy by the Lord.  Scripture does not give us an indication of his intention, but it does tell us that the construction of the ephod did have harmful results.

"But soon all the Israelites prostituted themselves by worshiping it (the ephod) there, and it became a trap to Gideon and his sons."  Judges 8:27
This golden garment was considered a snare to Gideon and his sons.  However pure and good his intention in constructing the ephod it became an idol. 

We like Gideon may never intend for what we do or have to become an idol to us, but it does.  You marry and soon find that you are putting your spouse above God.  Perhaps you are blessed with children and you begin to place your love for your children above your love for God.  It may be that job you wanted and planned to use to glorify God, but now you are consumed with it and advancement has become more important to you than God.  Maybe it is the money that you planned to give to help others and now you don't want to let go of it.  It could even be the ministry that God has given you, which you have allowed to become all about you.  It may be our  home, cars or other possessions all of which take your eyes off God. 

Just as Gideon never intended for the ephod he constructed to become an idol, we may have never have  intended for our spouse, children, job, money, ministry, home, car,possessions or hobbies to become an idol either.  Yet, as we evaluate we realize that is just what has happened. 

Please notice one other thing about this last verse-the ephod it was not only a snare to Gideon, but also to his sons.  Your choices today-the idols in your life, may indeed become the idols in the lives of your children and grandchildren.  They see what is most important to you and it shapes their priorities.  Gideon's  victory was great against the Midionites, but this is the last thing that we see he did and it was a trap for him and his family.  We must be diligent to  not to let the blessings and victories in our lives become a idols for us or we may find that is the legacy we leave behind has been a snare for our future generations.


  1. I am so happy to know my sister in Christ was worse than I was in home economics sewing! I tried a pair of elastic-waist shorts and put a front to a front and a back to a back for the legs. The teacher actually laughted at me. I watched as many of the other girls created outfits fit for a boutique. What a great example to remind me of the importance of remembering all we have, whether talents or possessions are from God and we should act accordingly and use them to glorify Him. (And thank goodness for Anne Taylor!)


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