All the Right Equipment

In my previous  attempts to find a hobby that I could have a passion for and also excel at (besides shopping) I find that I have a accumulated a vast array of  "equipment".  With each new endeavor I would dive in with everything that I had-even if it meant purchasing everything associated with that particular activity.   For instance, one year I decided to take up tennis- I bought the racket and the cute outfits and took lessons.  Another time I took up bowling-I purchased a flashy bowling ball and bag and joined a bowling league.  Later I took a cake decorating class- I acquired the nice cake pans, all the decorating tips a professional cake decorator could ask for and a cute apron.  I have tried photography-investing in a nice camera that is now obsolete. 

My most recent endeavor was several years ago when I took golf lessons.  Confident that it was my destiny to become the female Tiger Woods, I dove in whole hearted-investing in a nice set of clubs, a bag and some really cute golf attire.  Whether I excelled or not I was determined to look stylish doing it. (In case you haven't picked up on it yet...I should have stuck to shopping!)  After going to the driving range with my husband and uprooting a large mound of sod that somehow landed on top of the golfer's head beside me-I decided perhaps golf was not my thing either.  So the golf clubs found their way into storage with the rest of my equipment.

Although that equipment is not useful to me any longer there is some equipment that you and I possess that is absolutely invaluable to us in our everyday lives.  Paul wrote,

"Finally, be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power.  Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes."  Eph 6:10-11
Paul wrote that our struggle on this earth is not with people, but that it is actually against the Enemy, Satan and his allies.  He then instructs us to put on  the full armor of God so that we can stand our ground.

"Stand firm then with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace.  In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.  Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God."  Eph. 6:14-17
We have been equipped with all we need to resist the enemy, but I wonder do we actually use the equipment to its full potential.  Do we even "put on" some of the pieces!   Lets look at each piece of the armor.

Belt of truth  The Roman soldier wore this belt which had one function, to hold the sword, dagger and attached metal apron.  For us it symbolizes  the truth of Jesus that stands against the lies of Satan.  To win in our spiritual battles we must be anchored in Jesus truth.  Daily devotion to God's word is a MUST for us to know the truth of Christ.

Breastplate of Righteousness This breastplate protected the vital organs of the Roman soldier. In the believers life it is not our own righteousness, or good works that make us worth of God's protection-it is Jesus' righteousness.  We need to take our eyes off ourselves and back on the righteousness found in a relationship with Jesus.

Feet fitted with readiness The soldier wore a type of sandal to give him a stability and a readiness for battle.  Our preparation for battle is the good news of Jesus Christ, which brings confidence and perseverance as we fight the enemy.

Shield of Faith This shield was used for individual protection.  If the soldier dropped  it then it was useless.  We must hold on to our belief and sincere trust of God's promises, goodness, provisions and protection.

Helmet of Salvation  The helmet was essential for the soldiers survival in battle.   The word "salvation" suggests the helmet is the belivers source of total deliverance.  Jesus offers deliverance in every situation whether it is spiritual, emotional or physical.  He is our source-we can not deliver ourselves.

Sword of the Spirit  When used at close range the sword was a deadly weapon against the enemy.  This is the one offensive weapon listed.  Paul tells us that this weapon represents the Word of God.  God's Word is a powerful tool for us.

I wonder how effectively we battle the enemy with the equipment that is available to us.  Unfortunately , at times I fear that I use parts of  it as ineffective as that old equipment in my storage.  Today I decided to ask myself some hard questions.
  • Am I really prepared for my daily battles?
  • Am I believing God's truth or some of Satan's lies?
  • Am I trusting in my own righteousness or goodness to get me through a battle?
  • Am I spending time daily in His Word to be prepared with His truth?
  • Am I really functioning with true confidence, peace and trust in Him?
  • Do I have God's promises and His Word stored in my heart so that no matter where I am I can use it against the enemy's schemes?
Satan wants us to trust in ourselves and our own abilties.  He wants to render God's children ineffective and defeated, but God has provided a way for us to stand against the enemy. 

"But when you are tempted, He will also provide a way out so you can stand up under it."  1 Cor 10:13b
I don't know about you, but I'll take 'effective' and 'victorious' over 'ineffective' and 'defeated'  any day!  So today let's make sure we put on  every piece of the armor He has provided.


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