
Showing posts from 2012

So Many Different Hats

"I've been so busy!"  "It has been crazy!"  "I just don't have time to do all I need to do!"  How often do we say just those things to one another?  How often do we feel overwhelmed by our busyness?  Recently, I began listening carefully to women and found that the frequency in which they express such frustration is quite staggering.  We are weighed down and overwhelmed. I am reminded of Sam Drucker, a reoccurring character on the 1960's show, Green Acres.  This television program depicted the life of a couple, Oliver Wendal Douglas and his wife Lisa, who moved from the big city to a small farm in Hooterville.  The story plot often centered around the couple's failure to adapt to small town living and the interesting personalities that surrounded them.  One of these, Sam Drucker was the owner of the general store, the town banker (which consisted of a cash box behind the register), and the postmaster.  One of his personality quirks was th

Jumping for Joy!

Looking down it was hard to believe that this was the same dog.  Just a week before Chloe had been jumping up and down for joy every time I walked in the door.  She couldn't wait to see me and it showed from the top of her ears down to the tip of her tail.  Up to this time life had seemed good to my little Westie-plenty of time to take it easy, treats upon request and spending time with her Master (me) about whom she was crazy!  Then it all changed.  One day while trying to jump on a chair she let our a loud yelp! After watching her unable to use her back left leg and obviously in much pain we took her to the  doctor, who diagnosed the problem as a torn  anterior cruciate ligament, better known as an ACL.  This is a ligament which is vital for proper movement of the knee. The tear can happen when there is a blow to the knee, a quick deceleration in speed or as in Chloe's case, deterioration due to the aging process.  A surgical procedure was performed that repaired the ligam

Too Busy Looking Back

Distracted.  I guess that what you would call it.  My husband would call it not paying attention, but something definitely had my attention-it just wasn't the car in front of me. Looking in the rear view mirror at the car that I just passed, which was now behind me, I couldn't tell if the woman driver was wearing a costume or this was her "everyday" look.  With jet black hair perfectly coiffed in a beehive style, pale white skin, ruby red lips and eyes dramatically accentuated with liner, she had the look of Elvira.  Completely  mesmerized by her appearance, I looked forward just in time to throw on my brakes as the sub-compact vehicle in front of me screeched to a stop.  Thankfully my reflexes were quick enough and my brakes strong enough to stop before an accident occurred.  How often are we the same way-too busy looking back that we fail to see what is going on around us?  Unable to even see what is right in front of us?  We live in the past.  Many  look back to

What's Better Than a Gigi's Cupcake?

Chocolate Salted Caramel, Amaretto Amore, Nodini Cannoli, Italian Cream Wedding Cake.  These are just a few of the 35 delicious selections at a cup cakery that recently opened up in our city.  Since opening a few weeks ago, Gigi's Cupcakes has been the buzz around town.  With lines that often extend out the door of the shop the $3 tasty delight is well worth the wait.  Whenever the store is mentioned people suddenly begin listing the cupcakes they have eaten and the ones they intend to try.  There are however those joy killers who wish to dissuade you somehow by quoting  the estimated statistical information that there are approximately 780 calories, 36-50 fat grams and approximately 107 grams of carbs in each cupcake.  I however choose to ignore those facts and hold on the the estimated 4 grams of protein present in your average treat.   After all, a diet high in protein has become a popular way to loose weight.  surely the 4 grams of protein will counter act all the bad -unfortun

Moving in Sun Light

This past year for Christmas my husband and I  purchased new living room furniture as a gift to one another.  The items were not scheduled to be delivered until mid January.  Time finally came for the furniture to arrive and we realized that we had to get rid of our existing furniture to make space.  As we prepared the room for the delivery we began to remove everything off the end and coffee tables and pulled out all the artificial greenery, plants and baskets.  Soon I began to realize that what I thought had looked good was actually a cluttered mess. It was just too many accessories-unnecessary items in the room.    The furniture that we had thought was still in such good shape began to take on a whole different appearance as we took it outside.  In our artificially, often dimly,  lit home we felt we might have purchased new furniture prematurely.  As we came into the sun light though,  we realized what we thought looked good had a few tears and some worn and frayed spots. The sun

I'm Back

Well, after almost five months-I'm back!  Quite a few people have asked why I had stopped blogging for a while.  I must admit that I had been struggling in my spiritual walk and it seemed that God just closed the door for my blogging for a short period of time.  The ideas, that used to flood to my mind to blog about, suddenly just didn't come.  I realize now that God wanted to do something in my life but, I had to step away from blogging  for a short period.  Now, I come to you with a renewed love of God's Word and an excitement about what He is going to do!!!  Hope you will check on my blog periodically and share it with your friends. Check back soon for my latest blog post!