Jumping for Joy!

Looking down it was hard to believe that this was the same dog.  Just a week before Chloe had been jumping up and down for joy every time I walked in the door.  She couldn't wait to see me and it showed from the top of her ears down to the tip of her tail.  Up to this time life had seemed good to my little Westie-plenty of time to take it easy, treats upon request and spending time with her Master (me) about whom she was crazy!  Then it all changed. 

One day while trying to jump on a chair she let our a loud yelp! After watching her unable to use her back left leg and obviously in much pain we took her to the  doctor, who diagnosed the problem as a torn  anterior cruciate ligament, better known as an ACL.  This is a ligament which is vital for proper movement of the knee. The tear can happen when there is a blow to the knee, a quick deceleration in speed or as in Chloe's case, deterioration due to the aging process.  A surgical procedure was performed that repaired the ligament, however it left her with a fairly large incision on her left hind leg.  She returned home with the leg bandaged and a gift from the veterinarian-a large plastic cone that she was to wear to prevent her from tearing off the bandage and chewing at the incision.

How sad she looked!!!  It broke my heart.  Head in the cone, tail tucked, leg bandaged and the saddest,  most pitiful look I have ever seen on her face.  Seemed she just was not herself either because instead of spending time with me she would sit in the corner with her cone up against the wall.  My husband and I named the cone "The Cone of Shame," because each time it was placed around her neck she looked embarrassed and ashamed.

Fortunately, Chloe is doing much better now.  Although we limit some of her movement she is feeling well enough to want to jump around and as I type this post she is laying down with her head on my feet. 

All of this got me thinking.  How many people everyday are walking around with "The Cone of Shame" around their neck. The cone may not come in the 15 inch plastic version, but it is certainly as burdensome. It could be the cone of shame associated with a  a sin we thought was hidden which has been brought to light, such as sexual promiscuity which resulted in an unplanned pregnancy, infidelity, etc.

 However, most often I believe that it is from something very different.  As believers, we wear the cone of shame because we feel somehow we have failed God or failed others. Now, don't misunderstand, when we have sinned then we are to feel guilty that we have disobeyed God, but that guilt should lead us in the direction of confession, repentance and ultimately a renewed relationship with Him.   The type of condemning shame to which I am referring is deeper than guilt and  in no way comes from God.  His Word says in Romans 8:1,
"There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus." 
God uses our guilt to bring us toward reconciliation never condemnation. For the person experiencing shame it is a piercing angst that leaves them feeling wrong at their very core. Just as Chloe sat with her head against the wall away from me, the shame to which I am referring causes a separation between us and our Master. The believer will begin to spend less time with God.  This separation does not have to exist. 

Scripture tells us in Isaiah 59:2 that our sins separate us from God, but we also have full assurance that
"If we confess or sins He is faithful and just to forgive our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness."  1 John 1:9
After we confess our sins to God our relationship with Him is restored and we no longer need to experience that separation from Him.  We no longer need to experience a strained relationship with Him. It is our inability to accept that forgivness that causes us to continue to be surrounded by the seperating shame.

 We need to allow our Master to remove the cone of shame from around our necks and spend time resting at His feet.  After that, who knows, it may be no time at all before we are jumping for joy again!!


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