What's Better Than a Gigi's Cupcake?

Chocolate Salted Caramel, Amaretto Amore, Nodini Cannoli, Italian Cream Wedding Cake.  These are just a few of the 35 delicious selections at a cup cakery that recently opened up in our city.  Since opening a few weeks ago, Gigi's Cupcakes has been the buzz around town.  With lines that often extend out the door of the shop the $3 tasty delight is well worth the wait.  Whenever the store is mentioned people suddenly begin listing the cupcakes they have eaten and the ones they intend to try.  There are however those joy killers who wish to dissuade you somehow by quoting  the estimated statistical information that there are approximately 780 calories, 36-50 fat grams and approximately 107 grams of carbs in each cupcake.  I however choose to ignore those facts and hold on the the estimated 4 grams of protein present in your average treat.   After all, a diet high in protein has become a popular way to loose weight.  surely the 4 grams of protein will counter act all the bad -unfortunately, we all know that is not the case.

Although delectable, treats like these along with my  inability to say no to them  have added to my ever growing waistline.  I am undoubtedly not alone.  Research shows that over 33% Americans are obese.  That doesn't take into account the approximately 30% of us that are overweight, but not obese.  That is pretty staggering when you think about it-over 63% of the population is overweight or obese.

Unfortunately, I believe that there is another problem of epic proportion.   We have not only  become a nation that is physically overweight but one spiritually malnourished, as well.   This malnourished condition leaves us seeking to fill up the emptiness inside.  All too often we turn to selfish pursuits instead of turning to the only one that can truly satisfy, God.  Often people fill their lives with drugs, alcohol or sexual promiscuity.  We may try to fill our lives with relationships, materialism, hobbies, sports or even church-yes, church! 

Those things fail to supply the nourishment necessary for a healthy spiritual life.  In fact a steady diet of them can lead to spiritual health problems just as poor nutrition can lead to physical health problems.A spiritually malnourished life will cause us to be more vulnerable to temptation and attacks from Satan.   The only solution to this problem is to feast on the God of the Universe.  Spend time in prayer-communicating with Him.  Spend time getting to know Him through His Word.  Meditate on His message to us. 

There was a time in my life when I found myself spending a hours reading mystery novels.  I was convicted about the time I spent reading that material and realized that I needed to spend more time seeing what God had to say to me than the writings of a mystery novelist.  So I began to spend more time reading the Bible and Christian books, but I soon found that I was spending a disproportionate amount of time with the books.  My attempt to gain more knowledge about God through writings of various Christian authors was great, but substituting them for the very words of God began to leave me somewhat malnourished.

Reading, meditating on and obeying God's Word will give health to our spiritual bodies.  A method for meditating on God's Word which is effective to me is scripture memorization. This passage in Isaiah 55 has helped me focus on the importance of feasting on the Word.

1 “Come, all you who are thirsty,
   come to the waters;
and you who have no money,
   come, buy and eat!
Come, buy wine and milk
   without money and without cost.
2 Why spend money on what is not bread,
   and your labor on what does not satisfy?
Listen, listen to me, and eat what is good,
   and you will delight in the richest of fare.
3 Give ear and come to me;
   listen, that you may live. "

Our spiritual and physical bodies hunger and thirst, but spiritually how often do we seek to fill ourselves not only what fails to satisfy, but fails to nourish?  How often do we spend our money and energy on what simply leaves us empty?  God's word and our obedience to it  will satisfy us with what is good and it will be better than  the tastiest delicacy you can imagine-even a Gigi's cupcake!!! 


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