Release the Captive

The day had finally arrived.  After 4 years of college and 2 years of graduate school-I was about to start my first job as an audiologist.  Brand new job, brand new beginnings, brand new outfit and brand new briefcase.  As I pulled into the parking lot a few minutes early and walked into the building -my stride had to be different.  This was the day I had anticipated.  To ensure that I had it pulled together I decided to stop in the hall bathroom and check my hair one last time.  As I gazed at myself in the mirror-the hair was looking especially nice and with the new outfit and bag I thought I was "lookin' good"!!

As I attempted to leave the bathroom I realized that I could not get the door open.  The lock had somehow stuck.  After a number of failed attempts of gently turning the knob and twisting the small lock I began to panic.  It was obvious the door was not going to open.  I sat down on the lid of the toilet with my new brief case in my lap and just wanted to cry. So much for being punctual!

Now most sane people would have beat on the door and screamed for assistance, but my pride just would not let me yell for help.  I mean surely I could figure all this out on my own.  Another five minutes  or so had passed and the stress of 15 minutes of captivity in the bathroom had taken its toll.  My hair was now disheveled, the mascara smudged and my new outfit a wrinkled mess. I was making another attempt to gently turn the knob (I didn't want to attract attention) and release the lock, when I heard a soft knock on the door and a sweet voice on the other side say, "Are you locked in?"  When I told her "yes" she asked me to take my hand off the knob. She pushed on the door then had me try to unlock it again.  Immediately the lock released and I was out-dragging my pride behind me and trying to figure out how I was going to explain that my tardiness was due to my captivity in the bathroom.

Although my time in the bathroom was limited-I wonder how much of our lives we spend in captivity.  In the book of Isaiah the prophet tells about the coming of the One who was would set the people free. Christ said in Luke 4:21 that He fulfilled Isaiah's prophecy.

" The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me, because the Lord has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from the darkness for the prisonersIsa 61:1
God hears the cry of those who are oppressed.  He cares about those in physical, emotional, mental and spiritual prisons.  Christ sets us free by the power of the Holy Spirit and then maintains our freedom as we learn to live day to day in the power of that Spirit.  Only Christ offers that kind of freedom.

Our capivity may come in any number of forms.  It may be the bondage of deep insecurity that has stolen our relationships, a critical or judgemental heart toward others, anger toward God or the bondage of sexual sin.  It may come in the inability to love people fully- including our own spouse-or the bondage of pride, discouragement or lonliness.  All we have to do is open our eyes and ears to know that so many people are struggling.  We may even be the one struggling.
"Since ancient times no one has heard, no ear has perceived, no eye has seen any God besides you, who acts on behalf of those who wait for Him."  Isaiah 64:4
God wants to do in your life and mine what our eyes have never seen, our ears have never heard and our mind has ever imagined.  We become bound under the power of Satan, but Christ is ready to make us free!  Scripture says,
"If the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed." John 8:36
When we come to know Jesus Christ as our Saviour and make Him Lord of our life we are freed from the power of sin and free to live a new life.  We can experience His peace and find satisfaction in Him.  The problem is that most of us who are Christians fail to live in the fullnes of the salvation we are given.  Much of the capitivity (or bondage) that we as Chrisitians experience comes from not believing what God says (believing the lies of  Satan), wasting our efforts on those things that never satisfy or holding on to things from our past.

Christ is completely able and willing to release us from captivity.  As we believe God's Word, spend time in prayer and humble ourselves before Him, we can watch Christ do what He came to do--set the captives free!!!!


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