Great Expectations

Every year at this time people around the globe are preparing to welcome in the new year.  With fireworks and confetti we will say goodbye to 2010 and hello to 2011.

For some reason this year I am acutely aware of the  goodbyes that have already been said in 2010.  In April I said goodbye to one of my dearest friends as she lost a 3 year battle with melanoma.  A few months earlier I had said goodbye to another friend who succumbed to liver cancer. This year I have watched as my friends have said goodbye to their  spouse, mother, father, grandparent and most devastating of all -their child.  Some friends said their goodbyes to "what could have been" as they watched their marriage fall apart and their home seem to disintegrate before their very eyes.  Many said goodbye to jobs they loved and have found themselves struggling to make ends meet. 

What about you?  To whom or what have you had to say goodbye?  We hear of "fond farewells"- unfortunately these  farewells do not hold fond memories but are instead  places of sadness, hurt and brokenness. 

As we walk out of  2010 and through the door of 2011 may it be with great expectation.  May we never forget the sweet memories of those to whom we said goodbye or the struggles of  2010 that made us stronger, but we need to look toward something greater this next year. What does God have in store for you  and me  in the upcoming year?  It may be bigger than we could ever imagine.  Scripture tells us,

"Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us, to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever!  Amen."  Eph 3:20-21
As I enter the door of 2011 I want to do so with an anticipation of God changing me in ways that I can't even begin to ask for or imagine.  I want to truly impact the lives of others in my community for Christ. I want my heart to desire the things that He desires. I want my life to be so immersed in His that I am more like Him than I was in 2010. 

The words of the song "Expectation" by Don Poythress express my prayer for you and me as we enter 2011.

Lord, we want to be changed
By the power of Your Word and Spirit of truth.
Lord, don't let us leave the same
Make us more like you.
Jesus, always find us seeking Your face.

We come with expectation.
We come with celebration.
We come anticipating what You hold in store.
We come with hearts wide open.
We come with a holy hope in what You'll do
As we come through these doors.
We come with expectation Lord!

Can't wait to see how He is going to work in your life and mine in 2011.


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