Billy Bob Teeth and a Wrong Number!!!

One night a few years ago we had invited a couple of our good friends and their children over for supper.  This particular night was not much different than most any other night that we all gathered together-lots of lively conversation and lots of laughing. Since this was around the time that the hideous "Billy Bob teeth" were introduced on the market our friend's daughter, Eva and my husband, Marshall were comparing to see which one actually owned the ugliest set of teeth.  

After saying goodnight to our guests, we began cleaning up the kitchen and came across Eva's "Billy Bob teeth" which she had left behind.  Marshall decided that he was going to call and let them know that he had the teeth.  He dialed the number and thinking that his buddy's wife had answered the phone he quickly began the following conversation-"  Hey! Just wanted to let you know in case you start looking for them that Eva left her teeth over here!!  She left them laying on the cabinet-but don't worry I laid them on top of my Bible and will bring them to church tomorrow morning."  Pausing briefly, Marshall began to repeat a portion of his conversation only to soon realize that he had dialed the wrong number!  Laughter filled our kitchen as we could only imagine that the woman on the other end of the phone thought that we were talking about someone's dentures.

My husband mistook the voice on the other end of the line for someone that he knew.  I wonder every day what voices do we hear.  Now don't misunderstand, I am not implying that we are all schizophrenic, but every day we listen to those voices in our mind.  Sometimes it is  our own voice.  Other times  it is a  negative voice of our past-discouraging or belittling us- telling us we are unloved, unworthy, inadequate.  Perhaps it is a critical voice. Often it is the voice of the enemy, Satan.   There are times that those voices become so loud to us that we are unable to hear the voice of the One who speaks Truth to our hearts and minds. 

Each day these voices are vying not only for our attention but to cause us to respond or react in a particular way.  Several years ago while working with our the children choir ministry at our church, we had the boys and girls form 2 parallel lines.  There was a "caller" at one end in between the  two lines and another child at the opposite end who was to listen and follow the instructions of the "caller."  It seems this  would have been an easy task, except the children in the two parallel lines were also calling out instructions.  Their voices were just as loud as the voice of the "caller."  which caused the child chosen to follow the directions to not only misunderstand what he was  suppose to do, but become very frustrated.

I wonder does that describe your life?  It certainly has often described mine!!  I want to hear from God and get His directions but the other voices are all so loud that I'm not really hearing anyone clearly.  Far too many times in my life I have actually given my attention to the other voices and not to God.   

So the question often  asked is, "How do I begin to know God's voice and hear it louder than the other voices?"  One way is to get to know God more intimately.  My husband can call me on the phone and I automatically know his voice because I have spent time with him-developed an intimate relationship with him.  As we draw near to God by spending time with Him we will begin to know His voice.  His voice will seem closer to us and thus, clearer to us.  Scripture says,
"Draw near to God and He will draw near to you."  James 4:8
Recently, I heard a pastor say that in this passage God obligates Himself to come closer to us as we come closer to Him.  This closeness allows us to hear His voice more clearly.  We develop that kind of relationship by studying His Word, meditating on it, and spending time in prayer. 

If the voice on the other end of the phone sounded like my husband, but he was saying things that were completely  inconsistent with his character or his personality then I would begin to question if I was being deceived.  The same is true with God-as we get to know Him we know that He only speaks that which is consistent with His character and His Word.  For example, we know that God is not going to speak and  tell us that it is fine to engage in an extramarital affair, because our spouse doesn't understand us and God would want us to be happy and fulfilled.  God's concern, sorry to break it to you, is NOT our happiness!!  He never promised happiness.  Instead He promised that if we came after Him daily that we would have to carry our cross. He will show us that in the hard times of our lives He is there with a peace.

A condemning voice is not the voice of God.  For the Christian,
"There is now therefore no condemnation in Christ Jesus."         Romans 8:1
Satan wants us to feel beaten down by our sin.  Nothing would please him more than for the child of God to feel so defeated and discouraged that his relationship with God suffers and he becomes ineffective.  When God speaks to us it is always to prompt us toward repentance and reconciliation.

"God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their
 trespasses unto them  and has committed unto us the word of reconciliation."
2 Corinthians 5:19

As we get to know God more intimately, His voice that may have seemed distant at one time will begin to grow louder and clearer.  We will read His Word and He will reveal to us the truths which lie therein.  We will be sensitive to His prodding us to take a particular action.  Perhaps you are hearing Him speak and sensing His prodding (Praise the Lord!!) or you may feel frustrated because there is just a sea of voices competing for your attention.  If the latter is the case, I encourage you this next week to begin carving out time in your day to spend time with God.  Talk to Him.  Listen to what He has to say to you.  Start to draw near to Him and you will begin to know His voice and His directing in your life.


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