What About Your Dash?

March 12, 1955-April 14, 2010

Last year after a long and courageous struggle with melanoma I said goodbye to my dear friend of 21 years, Elaine Hines. Her struggle lasted over 3 years and for the last year and half  the tumors left her with severe pain and lack of mobility in her left leg and right arm.  For 21 years I celebrated the day of her birth with her.  This year I celebrate that day by celebrating my memory of her.

On Wednesday morning,  April 14, 2010, Elaine looked straight in the face of Jesus and started walking on streets of gold and raising her arms in praise to the God whom she loved.

Elaine came into my life 23 years ago  when I came to our office as a graduate student and subsequently worked along side of her for the years that followed.  Little did I realize the impact that she would have on my life.  Not only was she my mentor, but she was my friend.

There are many stories  I could tell you about my friend and her sense of humor- One time she was pushing a man in a wheel chair and accidentally hit his artificial leg on the door facing and the leg flew off and landed 2 feet away.  You could hear both of them laughing hysterically!

Elaine always had the thickest prettiest hair, but as the treatments began to thin it she began to look for a wig.  We looked at many pictures to try to find just the right style.  One day she brought in a wig that she had purchased just in case she needed it.  I stood outside the bathroom to offer my critique of the new coif only to find that when she came out I was speechless.  She had the thing twisted around completely backward on her head and didn't even realize it.  We laughed and laughed.  How I wish I could hear that laugh again!!

Her kind and generous heart often sought out ways to help others. When one of my bridesmaids dropped out of my wedding party at the last minute Elaine stepped up and filled the spot.  Even when she had been very sick herself, she went to our office manager and asked if she could give up some of her vacation days for a co-worker that had a sick family member.  The donation of  her body for research, so that others could possibly benefit, is just another example of her generosity.

During her 3 year battle with cancer I watched as God did something amazing in her life.  I am reminded of the scripture,
"Though outwardly we are wasting away, inwardly we are being renewed day by day."                                          2 Corinthians 4:16
My friend handled her diagnosis, treatment and last days with more grace and dignity than I would have ever imagined.  Her days were cut very short to those on this earth who knew and loved her, but her Father, the one who loved her most,  knew when she would draw  her last breath and was there with open arms ready to receive her into His glorious kingdom.

Much earlier she had grasped that which the psalmist spoke,

"Lord, remind me how brief my time on earth will be.
Remind me that my days are numbered-
how fleeting my life is.
You have made my life no longer than the width of my hand.
My entire lifetime is just a moment to you;
at best, each of us is but a breath.
We are merely moving shadows,
and all our busy rushing ends in nothing.
We heap up wealth,
not knowing who will spend it.
And so, Lord, where do I put my hope?
My only hope is in you."
 Psalm 39:4-7

We would all be better off  if we grasped that concept.  Many of you, like me,  have come to realize that you certainly have had more yesterdays than you will tomorrows.  The question is what will we do with the time we have left? This weekend someone said that we hear it taught that the end is coming.  Often we take this to mean the immient return of Christ, but even Paul thought that Christ would return in His lifetime.  Instead we should realize that all of our lives are drawing to an end.  We have missed so many opportunities to love and give.  We have spent so much time doing just as the scripture says-rushing around, yet it amounting to nothing.  We have missed so many opportunities to show Christ's love to the world.

The 'dash' in between the date of Elaine's date of birth and the date of her death mattered.  Her life made an impact on those who knew her and our lives are better because she was our friend.  It is my prayer when my days are over and  others look back on my life they will see a life where the 'dash' mattered!!


  1. Rhonda - What a lovely memorial to our dear friend Elaine. She was a great lady and special person whom I miss. Love to you and thanks for the memories. Brenda


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