Lies and the Hypochondriac

Those who know me well would tell you that I have a tendency to be somewhat of a hypochondriac. Occasionally, prior to bedtime,  I will tell my husband about some type of pain that I am experiencing so that if something happens to me in the night and I am unable to relay my complaint to the medical staff, he will be able to inform them of my earlier malady.  In 2001 events lead me to believe that I had contracted an illness that was sure to make me a statistic. 

In the weeks following the September 11 attacks several news media offices and U.S. Senators received letters containing anthrax, a refined white dry powder which when inhaled initially caused the person to develop a sore throat, mild muscle aches and fever. Approximately 5 people died and a little over a dozen were infected.   News agencies warned citizens to watch for any suspicious substance in which they may come in contact.

Prior to any knowledge of the aforementioned events I was going to drink a Coke and noticed something white and powdery on the lid.  I wiped it off with a paper towel and drank my beverage from the can.  Well, you can guess what happened next!   Soon after I heard about the anthrax situation the sore throat and muscle aches began.  While keeping a frequent check on the fever,  I was sure was going to develop, I became convinced that the white powdery substance on the lid of my drink had indeed been anthrax.

Well as it turns out, my symptoms were result of the common cold.  Now sit back and make fun if you like, but there are many of you  reading this who hop on the web with your symptoms and diagnose yourself with about six months to live when your malady is no more significant than my common cold.  Plenty of us get ideas in our head and soon they become truth to us when they are actually a lie.

One of my favorite shows, Lie to Me, chronicles the fictional life of Dr. Cal Lightman, the world's leading deception researcher.  In his research he studies facial expression, body language and tone of voice to determine when a person is lying.  He uses his skill to help law enforcement and government agencies uncover the truth.

Some days I think that I need a deception expert to go with me to help me uncover lies-the lies that have somehow become ingrained in my belief system.  As women, we are experienced at covering up our pain, hurt, disappointment and regret.  When others ask how we are we smile and say, "Fine," when in reality that is so far from the truth.  Many are in bondage and the Deceiver is so good at it that we don't even realize we are being deceived.  We are stressed, overwhelmed, lonely, insecure, afraid, frazzled, angry, bitter and discouraged-and that's just for starters. 

Jesus said in John 10:10 that He came so that we could have abundant life.  Unfortunately, so many of us have bought into the Enemy's lies that we are not experiencing the abundance that Christ came to give.  I bought into a lie about being infected with anthrax, but I am talking about something that infects our spirit and causes us to miss the joy that we could have in our lives.

In scripture Jesus had these words to say about Satan,
" He was a murderer from the very beginning not holding the truth for there is no truth in Him.  When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies."  John 8:44
Just as with Eve,  Satan lies to us and we begin to buy into his lies.  Some of the lies that we have bought into are ones that we would never want to admit to in our "I've got it all together- Christian circles."  If these lies are affecting our behavior then we have bought into them hook, line and sinker.   Nancy Leigh DeMoss, in her book Lies Women Believe and the Truth that Sets Them Free, lists some common lies that we believe.  I have listed a few of them below,

For many of us we believe lies about God;
  • God is NOT really enough. We may say that we don't believe this lie, but what do our actions show?  Are we always chasing after something else to make us happy and fulfill our deepest longing.  Do we think that we need God plus our family, God plus a good job, God plus a new car, God plus a new wardrobe, God plus ________.  (You fill in the blank.)
  • God is not really good, if He were He would not have let this bad thing happen to me or deprived my of this good thing.
Far too many of believe lies about ourselves;
  • I'm not worth anything.
  • I need to learn to love myself.
  • I can't help the way I am.
  • I should not have to live with unfilled longings.
  • If I feel something it must be true.
  • I can't control my emotions (even when my hormones are out of whack).
  • If my circumstances were different then I would be different.
  • It's all about me.
For so many of us the lies we believe have permeated our entire lives, leaving us in bondage to the enemy and unable to enjoy the abundant life that we are to be experiencing as a child of God.  In Isaiah we are told that Jesus came to "proclaim freedom for the captives."  If we are believing the lies of Satan then we are captives-he has our mind captive.  God provided us a way out of this captivity and it is through His Truth.
"If you continue in my word then you are my disciples indeed; and you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free."   John 8:31-32
Continuing in God's Word will help us discover divine truth to battle the enemy.  We must ask God to help us identify the lies that we believe.  It is not enough just to try to get rid of the lie, instead for us to be victorious, we must replace the lie with God's divine truth.  God' truth is always greater than the Enemy's lies and for us to successfully eliminate the lies we must meditate on, listen to and believe God's truth. 

Let's see how God will transform our minds as we get rid of our erroneous old belief system and replace it with His truth!!


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