A Lesson in Self Righteousness
I posted this back in 2011 but with our recent snowfall I thought I would re-post it today.
As I jumped out of bed early Christmas morning and looked out my window I thought my eyes were deceiving me. Never in my lifetime can I remember a white Christmas. Well that is exactly how God had chosen to delight us!!
Excited, I gathered my coat and gloves to take out our Westie, Chloe. Reaching down to hook the leash on her collar I thought how beautiful and white her coat looked. As the door opened Chloe was out in a flash walking somewhat uncertain in the fresh snow.

After looking around and taking in the beautiful white blanket that covered the yard, house and trees, my gaze went back toward Chloe. I almost gasped. Next to the beautiful white snow, Chloe, instead of looking marvelously white as I had thought, appeared dirty and stained.
In that moment it was as if the God of the universe spoke to my soul the words that He had spoken years before to Isaiah. He reminded me that compared to His righteousness all my "righteous acts are like filthy rags." (Isa 64:6) Well He had nailed me!! During the last twenty four hours I had been feeling quite self righteous about my service and obedience. Now here I was being "konked" over the head with great big visual display of the condition of my righteousness. What a way to get my attention!!
As I mentioned in my very first blog, sometimes I forget who I am and my behaviour is often very unbecoming of a child of the King and that tiara that I want to wear at the crown of my head starts to slide to the side. Trust me, at that moment it was sitting at full tilt!!
Perhaps you are not like me. Perhaps you never compare your goodness to that of someone else. Perhaps you never compare your faithfulness in church attendance, ministry or giving to that of another. Perhaps you don't compare the "size" of your sin to that of your neighbor. Well, sometimes I do and if you are honest I imagine that many of you do too. (Now MY self righteous flesh would probably say that although I make the comparisons, I probably do so much less than you!! Just kidding!!!)
Herein lies the problem. We are making wrong comparisons-we need not see how we stack up against someone else, because we can always find that someone to make us look pretty good. Our righteousness does not come from our church attendance, giving or even our how much time we spend doing good deeds for others. In Genesis 15 God told Abraham his offspring would be as numerous as the stars in the sky. Verse 6 says,
Abraham's righteous didn't come from his works, his giving etc. instead it came from him believing God. Scripture tells us that he didn't waver through unbelief and that...
The King James Version uses the word "imputed" instead of "credit" in the above passage. "Imputed"-kind of a funny sounding word- means to pass to ones account; to count. This means Jesus places His righteousness upon our record when we trust in Him for salvation. Not only is Jesus' righteousness counted on our record but our sin is counted (imputed) to Christ.
Excited, I gathered my coat and gloves to take out our Westie, Chloe. Reaching down to hook the leash on her collar I thought how beautiful and white her coat looked. As the door opened Chloe was out in a flash walking somewhat uncertain in the fresh snow.

After looking around and taking in the beautiful white blanket that covered the yard, house and trees, my gaze went back toward Chloe. I almost gasped. Next to the beautiful white snow, Chloe, instead of looking marvelously white as I had thought, appeared dirty and stained.
In that moment it was as if the God of the universe spoke to my soul the words that He had spoken years before to Isaiah. He reminded me that compared to His righteousness all my "righteous acts are like filthy rags." (Isa 64:6) Well He had nailed me!! During the last twenty four hours I had been feeling quite self righteous about my service and obedience. Now here I was being "konked" over the head with great big visual display of the condition of my righteousness. What a way to get my attention!!
As I mentioned in my very first blog, sometimes I forget who I am and my behaviour is often very unbecoming of a child of the King and that tiara that I want to wear at the crown of my head starts to slide to the side. Trust me, at that moment it was sitting at full tilt!!
Perhaps you are not like me. Perhaps you never compare your goodness to that of someone else. Perhaps you never compare your faithfulness in church attendance, ministry or giving to that of another. Perhaps you don't compare the "size" of your sin to that of your neighbor. Well, sometimes I do and if you are honest I imagine that many of you do too. (Now MY self righteous flesh would probably say that although I make the comparisons, I probably do so much less than you!! Just kidding!!!)
Herein lies the problem. We are making wrong comparisons-we need not see how we stack up against someone else, because we can always find that someone to make us look pretty good. Our righteousness does not come from our church attendance, giving or even our how much time we spend doing good deeds for others. In Genesis 15 God told Abraham his offspring would be as numerous as the stars in the sky. Verse 6 says,
"Abram believed God and it was credited to him as righteousness."
Abraham's righteous didn't come from his works, his giving etc. instead it came from him believing God. Scripture tells us that he didn't waver through unbelief and that...
"The words 'It was credited to him' were not written for him alone, but also for us to whom God will credit righteousness-for us who believe in Him who raised Jesus our Lord from the dead. He was delivered over to death for our sins and was raised to life for our justification." Romans 4:23-25
The King James Version uses the word "imputed" instead of "credit" in the above passage. "Imputed"-kind of a funny sounding word- means to pass to ones account; to count. This means Jesus places His righteousness upon our record when we trust in Him for salvation. Not only is Jesus' righteousness counted on our record but our sin is counted (imputed) to Christ.
"For he became sin for us, who knew no sin so that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him." 2 Corinthians 5:21Instead of my self righteousness I want to relish in the righteousness that comes from God when I believe in His Son. Praise be to God that it is not because of our goodness, but because of his Son, that we are able to be called righteous.
Thanks again Rhonda for a wonderful reminder. Couldn't wait to get home to read the post. God has truly blessed you with a talent and I am so blessed each time I read what God gave you to share as a witness to us all. I needed this. Thanks. Love you.