What's Your Center?

One of my favorite candies as a child was a Tootsie Roll Pop. The suckers had a hard outer portion and then a soft tootsie roll center.    In the commercial it was always asked, "How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Roll Pop?"  There was noting quite like getting almost to the center and them biting into what was left of the hard portion to get to the soft tootsie roll. The center is what sets this sucker apart from others. 

What was the center made all the difference and our center makes all the difference too.  Let me explain. 

Recently while reading from the book of Numbers I noticed something in Chapter 2 that I have been thinking about since and wanted to share it here. 

Earlier God has given Moses the pattern of the tabernacle and it has been constructed.  In Exodus 25:8 we are told that the tabernacle represented the presence of God among the people of Israel.   In Numbers 2 the Lord has told Moses the location each tribe should camp.  Normally, we might just skim right over these verses but don't miss this!!  This is good stuff!  They are actually to be positioned AROUND the tabernacle.  He then tells the Levites (priests) that they are to camp inside the other tribes and AROUND the tabernacle.  So whether they were camped or moved on somewhere else the presence of the Lord was to be the very center of their movement.  He was to be the very center of their existence. 

 God established an order with Him as the center.  We must make Him our top priority.  As we abide in Him, love Him with all our heart, soul and mind and make Him the very center of our existence then He too will begin to order our lives.  How much chaos have we allowed in our lives because we haven't made Him the center?  How different would our relationships, finances, marriages, families, conversations be it He was the center? 


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