Be Careful Where You Pitch Your Tent

After considerable research my friend has decided that we need to go glamping out west.   Now you may be confused as I was initially in exactly what this is.  Glamping is actually a combination of the words "glamorous" and "camping" and describes a style of camping with amenities and in some cases resort-style services.  Now camping has never really interested me since I would not describe myself as the "outdoorsy" type. Perhaps if I tried it I would like it but there has always been something about the thought of not having access to indoor plumbing, my hair dryer, flat iron or curling iron that is a bit unsettling to me!  Setting that tent up also seems daunting-I've seen TV shows of how that turns out, not to mention you have to be particular about where you pitch your tent.  It is recommended that you maintain a sufficient distance from other campers so as to not annoy or be annoyed by them.  You want to pitch it on soft flat ground for the best sleeping experience, preferable away from water and not under a tree so you remain dry in case of rain.  To avoid setting your tent on fire you need to make sure your tent is a sufficient distance from the camp fire!  If you don't watch where you pitch your tent you could end up annoyed,  uncomfortable, wet or actually on fire!

 Recently, I was reading Genesis 19, the account of the destruction of the evil Sodom and Gomorrah.  In Gen 13:12 we see Lot make a choice regarding the land to live and "set his tent NEAR Sodom."  By the time we get to Gen 14:12, Lot is "living IN Sodom" and by chapter 19 he is hesitant to leave even when warned of the upcoming destruction.  

We must be careful about pitching our tents NEAR something because that something can be persuasive and if we aren't careful we tend to move on in and get comfortable and often complacent. That is where the danger lies.   When we move IN we often fall captive to that environment and before we know it our actions and attitudes will likely resemble  those of which we are surrounded.   We must always place ourselves in a position to elevate our walk with the Lord.  Make sure today to place yourself NEAR people who are striving to be like Christ and NEAR those things that are God honoring.

I am so thankful for a community of believers who walk with me and keep me accountable on this journey.  


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